Golf Academy of Washington
The Golf Academy of Washington is a partnership of great training and college preparedness and placement!
Richland, Washington
Seattle, Washington
Eastern Washington (TBD)
Our intention is to create a program encompassing all facets needed to create college to professional golfers.
Clinics and instruction using the necessary tools and technologies for players to understand the swing and develop winning strategies of play.
Tournament scheduling for all members of the academy. Players must play in a selection of events yearly to begin the process of national ranking and recognition. AJGA (stars), USGA, WJGA, OJGA, Rocky Mtn, Hurricane, and we will host 2 day events in off seasons.
As a member of GAW, a player has our coaching and overall presence at events. Initially we are learning positive behaviors and any patterns of behavior that will need adjusted for better scoring. Our role later in our players careers shapers primarily into strategy and course mapping. Each player has a “best method” to score well on a golf course.
Creation of Academic and Golf Resume. (extra curricular)
Involvement with our academy recruiter and placement specialist. GOLF GLOBALLY
- Our 8th grade players will have already contacted 6 schools.
- Our 9th grade players have selected 4 schools.
- Our 10th grade players are communication through us with 2-3 schools.
- Our 11th grade players are committed to a school
- 12th grade signed!
We help teach negotiation and best school with best package for player!!
College and Amateur players
College players need us more around the nation. With video analysis and trackman/flightscope.. we tune players .. with video and discussion we tune putting!!n.
- Age 11-13 (6th – 8th grade)
- Age 14 – 18 (9th – 12th grade)
- College Level Play
- Age 9-11 full time $350 monthly
- Includes:
- Age 12-14 full time $400 monthly
- Includes:
- Age 15-18 full time $400 monthly
- Includes
- College full time $250 monthly
- Includes:
- Elite Amateur Training full time $300 monthly
- Includes:
- Individual Training – Hourly / Weekly
- Includes:
- 9-11 training …group and independent…
supervised trackman/flightscope/SAM/and no K-vest
tournament choices local and our events
- 12-14 training …group and independent…
More independent tman/fscope/sam/…supervised k-vest
Tourney choices…local …sectional.. national… and our events.
In addition… 20 letters to colleges…paperwork and direction to colleges..our contact to the colleges…introduction to Katie and her services…
- 15-18 training…minimal group ..more independent